Do you know you can grow oats hydroponically?

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Do you know you can grow oats in hydroponics?

In this brief guide we will guide you on how to plant oats in hydroponics. It is easy and doable at home for your animals
Oats 1kg cost KSH 150 at Simlaw seeds

Since climate has shifted hence affecting the seasons, this has effect in agriculture especially in dry areas.
Some technology exist to solve these problems.
Advantages of hydroponics
✓You don't need a large piece of land to do this.
✓It is water saving -system requires 2L water to produce 1kg of fodder 
✓production is high compared to field fodder production and the cycles are short.
✓It is possible to have a flow of livestock all through
✓just takes one week to be ready (depends on purpose)May take even 3-4 days 
✓Saves expensive fodder storage facilities.
Uses of oats
1. Livestock feed-direct/hay
2. Human consumption 
-Milled for it's nutrition benefits
3. Good for crop rotation 

How to get started ? 

  • soak the seeds in a bucket with warm water and remove all the floating seeds and other impurities and add in some pinch of salt.
  • salt helps to create unfavourable condition for the growth of microorganism. Leave it to settle for 8-12 hours 
  • Wash  the seeds with clean water and place them somewhere may be on a gunny bag and allow them to sprout
  • This usually takes about 24hours then transfer to a planting trays and spread them. 
  • Transfer the trays to the rack/shelves
  • Ensure you water them regularly as dictated by the weather

Always Pick plastic trays since they dont rust. Ensure they are perforated for drainage . Seeds must be kept moist all the time.

Within 3-7 days you will have your fodder ready. Crotolaria /sunnhemp also  can be grown hydroponically and you willl have enough fodder for your animals. 


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