Sunflower Production

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Sunflower production has been faced by challenges such as poor management during production, bird damage, non-certified seeds/farm saved seeds. To increase production always ensure you buy seeds from a registered supplier and that seeds are certified.

Why certified seeds have a better performance in the field?

  • Widely adaptable
  • High purity seeds with high germination percentage
  • Strong rooting system
  • Strong stem
  • Tolerance to pests and diseases
  • Good cakes
  • High yield
  • High oleic content from 38%


How to plant sunflower?

You need 2kg per acre @ksh 215 per kg Kenya Fedha .

Place each seed in a hole, well ploughed soil mixed with manure and fertilizer and cover lightly.

Spacing 75cmx25cm

D.A.P or any other phosphatic fertilizer is recommended 50kg/acre or less.

Its roots are well adapted for nutrients absorption this is why deep ploughing is encouraged

The seeds will germinate after 7 days. Ensure the seeds get all conditions necessary for germination to avoid failure.

What are Field Management carried out?

  1. Weeding

It is done manually or by use of recommended herbicide

Done 2-3 weeks after germination and a repeat after 4-5 weeks

  1. Thinning

This is removing some plants that are not wanted to give more space to the others to grow.

It is done when they are about 15cm tall during the first weeding.

  1. Diseases and pests managements

Common diseases include;

Yellow blotch –causes yellowing and distortion of leaves /flowers

Control by uprooting and disposing off the plant and also by applying insecticides to control pests that spread it.

                Sclerotinia wilt-causes rotting of the plant; stem,Leaves, and head

               Crop rotation is also very important to break the disease cycles

             Fungicides are also recommended for fungal diseases such as mildews

Common pests include;


These are natural friendly pests that can’t be killed but they can be controlled by three ways

a)Plant sunflower in large scale(or a group of farmers)

b) Enclose the sunflower cake in each plant. Though may be tedious

c) Scaring them away

             Thrips, Aphids, American bollworm among other pests

         Use insecticides control thrips and other pests

  1. Fertilizer

At top dressing use Nitrogenous fertilizer

        How to harvest when fully matured?

  • It matures within 3 months
  • Harvested by cutting off the cakes when they turn deep yellow.
  • Spread them on clean canvas to dry 3-4 days after harvest
  • Thresh the seeds and check the moisture content before storing them.
  • Yield is 1200kg /acre



For more information;

Simlaw Seeds Company Ltd

P.O Box 40042-00100, NAIROBI

Tel 0722200545


[email protected]